Case Study: Statewide Online Wage Claim Solution

Project Overview 

Propoint architected a comprehensive and thoroughly integrated statewide online wage claim solution using Salesforce Platform Cloud. The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) initially only received LCO wage claim forms on paper and in person. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when business could only be conducted virtually, the DIR needed to pivot and move to online collection. The collaborative Propoint/DIR Agile Scrum project team developed a robust online platform using Salesforce to handle wage claim submissions.

Customer Pain Points

The existing legacy system was manual and in-person. This provided a risk of errors, rework, and inefficiencies. It was also impossible to conduct during social distancing protocols, therefore, jeopardizing the business mission. Customer pain points included:


  • Highly Manual, In-person, and Paper-based. The collection and processing of data was extremely manual. Forms were collected and input by individuals at DIR in person via a physical document.


  • No online system for form submission. Before the implementation of this project, the DIR did not have the infrastructure to process forms online and house the data. All forms needed to be filled out and submitted in person. This created longer processing times for wage claims submitted.


  • Not compliant with social distancing protocols. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the old system the DIR was using to process wage claims was not social distance compliant, putting further stress on this manual system to adapt to a new remote work environment.


Project Implementation

Wage Claim Project Implementation

The Propoint team collaborated with the DIR to lead an Agile implementation of Salesforce Platform Cloud, allowing for the processing of LCO wage claims online as well as developing, testing, and delivering the following critical business features:


  • Community Portal allows external users to create an account, submit a claim, and view claim status.


  • Dynamic Online Intake Form in Spanish and English, fully accessible on all devices. The intake form is fully configurable and sequenced to render the questions based on the previous answer.


  • Internal Workflow Processing allows staff the ability to view all data and documents.


  • Paper Claim Processing allows staff to input and process hard-copy claims.


  • Text Messaging allows single and bulk outbound messages for claimants for meetings and reminders. Including text message history for the case.


  • Document Management and e-Signature allowing e-Signature of claim releases, complaints, and settlements using A+ and Nintex. Also including the ability to process the e-signature of all parties involved in the wage claim and notify the Deputy in charge.


  • Data Integration with Outside 3rd Parties who can submit claims directly from their systems using MuleSoft.


  • Dashboards provide clerks, deputies, hearing officers, and management with wage claim data summaries.


  • Claimant Timer and Notification, via email and text, providing fast and convenient news regarding claim due dates and status.


  • Document Storage provides organized storage for wage claim-related files using both A+ and SharePoint.


Project Results and Benefits

This shift to fully online has brought immediate and dramatic improvements to business process efficiency (fewer paper handoffs, fully remote) and effectiveness (higher volumes, less rework).

Before Release #1 implementation (November 2021), all claims were submitted in hardcopy. Now, following only 18 months in production, the business has seen a dramatic shift from manual to digital:


  • Before: Zero online claims (pre-release)


  • Now: 27 thousand online claims (2022)


Learn More

If you are interested in the 5 keys to Salesforce Community Cloud Implementation and how they could apply to you and your business, check out our article.

If you would like to discuss the potential for Salesforce implementation in your organization, please feel free to contact us here, on LinkedIn, or by email at